iMarine launches an initiative to establish and operate an e-infrastructure supporting the principles of the Ecosystem Approach to fisheries management and conservation of marine living resources. By empowering a Community of Practice of scientists, practitioners, managers and fishers, iMarine will establish an open data infrastructure to provide the necessary support to a concrete implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fishery. The Ecosystem Approach relies on a set of knowledge and data sources much broader than that used in conventional and fishery management and conservation. The monitoring and assessment of target, emblematic or vulnerable species needs to be broadened to cover species assemblages, communities, habitats, and ecosystems, and to cover fisheries’ impacts on all goods and services offered by those ecosystems.
Improving conservation and utilization of aquatic resources
Management of Data, Information, & Knowledge Research Group
A system with the following distinguishing features: (i) it is a Web-based working environment; (ii) it is tailored to serve the needs of a...
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