Bringing Europe’s eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers – Phase II
Period:March 31, 2008 - March 30, 2010
The initiative Bringing Europe’s electronic infrastructures to expanding frontiers II (BELIEF-II) is a twenty four month Coordination Action (CA) of the INFRA-2007-3.3: Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development, including international cooperation, for eInfrastructures. It builds on the success achieved in BELIEF [2005-2007] and has as its strategic objective to coordinate the efficient & effective communication, Results, Networking & Knowledge Flow between EU e-Infrastructures projects and their users, promoting their development and exploitation worldwide.
Project Technical Manager for ISTI
Project Management
EC WP leaders
EC Project Coordinator
OpenDLib is a software toolkit that can be used to create a digital library easily, according to the requirements of a given user community...