The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is rapidly building the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing and re-use of data on a global level. RDA Europe 3.0 - the European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance activities – will ensure that European research, industrial, e-infrastructure and policy stakeholders are all aware of its achievements, engaged with and actively involved in the global RDA activities and will advance the use of its results. European domain scientists and data scientists are involved in and driving a series of working and interest groups, generating first results of RDA and this momentum should be maintained and even increased. A collaborative web platform, currently under strong development, is widely used by the RDA members and coordinating administration. RDA Europe will look for innovative ways of facilitating the take-up and implementation of RDA outputs in Europe, both in academia and industry, and will continue to develop and maintain the RDA web-based collaboration framework. Further steps will be taken in steering, planning and implementing the sustainability of RDA through a legal entity, established in Europe, and investigating the most appropriate business models for long term sustainability. RDA Europe 3.0 will mainly build on the successful consortium of the previous years but strengthen its anchoring at policy, scientific and industrial uptake to drive forward RDA Europe objectives that are all grounded in technological excellence and innovation and have clear international ties. RDA Europe partners are very actively involved in the strategic planning, implementation, marketing & communication of RDA through the governance bodies of RDA.
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