A Vision for Global Research Data Infrastructures
Period:February 1, 2010 - January 31, 2012
Web Site: GRDI2020's Web Site
Europe-driven initiative proposed as Coordination Action under the Seventh Framework Programme FP7 funded by GÉANT & Infrastructure unit of DG-INFSO (Grant agreement: 246682 , Call: INFRA-2009.3 “Studies conferences & coordination actions supporting policy development, including international co-operation for e-Infrastructures” ). GRDI2020 is supporting the objectives of the call “INFRA-2009.3” in specifically contributing to the definition and development of a European policy for sustainable Global Research Data Infrastructures, thereby aiding in the build-up of the European Research Area. GRDI2020 aims at outlining the main priorities in the field of Global Research Data Infrastructures in a GRDI Roadmap, anchored on sound technical recommendations produced by two GRDI2020 Working Groups. Its outreach series of international events and thematic working meetings will increase the ability of the research community, industry, and academia to influence the development of a competitive global ICT infrastructure beyond i2010. The project will also build a qualified, trans-European Research Data Infrastructure community whose members will be inspired by common use cases and will share experiences, plan, innovate, and reach out together, with strong commitment to tackle the main relevant technical challenges.
EC Project Coordinator
Management of Data, Information, & Knowledge Research Group