Best Practice Networks project (grant agreement: ECP 517006-EFG, call: FP7 EU eContentplus2007). The project aims at deploying and maintaining a pan-European Film Gateway infrastructure, capable of gathering, aggregating and exposing film information and content available from Movie archives across European countries. The EFG online portal, will provide direct access to about 790,000 digital objects including films, photos, posters, drawings, sound material and text documents. Users will have the possibility to search (in multiple languages) and to browse through the digital objects. EFG aims at supporting technical and semantic interoperability between cinematographic archives and it will support the export to Europeana. EFG will also evaluate measures to be taken to deal with IPR issues.
D-NET is the outcome of research activities inspired by "GRID resource discovery and sharing" principles and applied to service...
Curating the records of an authority file is an activity as important as committing for many organizations, which have to rely on experts...
When aggregating publication bibliographic records by collecting from hundreds of repositories, CRIS systems, and web sources, it is very...
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