D4Science-II is an European e-Infrastructure project, co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. It constitutes a continuation of the DILIGENT and D4Science projects.
D4Science-II aims to provide mechanism for facilitating interoperation of the D4Science e-Infrastructure with diverse other data e-Infrastructures that are running autonomously thus creating the core of an e-Infrastructure Ecosystem. These e-Infrastructure Ecosystems will serve a significantly expanded set of communities dealing with multidisciplinary, scientific and societal challenges. To set up a prototypical instance of such an ecosystem, D4Science-II will bring together several scientific e-Infrastructures established in areas such as biodiversity, fishery resources management and high energy physics. This will support several critical scientific scenarios - initially, this core will include: AQUAMAPS, DRIVER, GENESI-DR and INSPIRE- that are distinct but also feed into and enrich each other. In collaboration with appropriate international bodies and initiatives, D4Science-II will take steps to ensure sustainability of the Knowledge Ecosystem.
Improving conservation and utilization of aquatic resources
iLab is a cross-disciplinary research group centered on information and information technology
Management of Data, Information, & Knowledge Research Group
The R&D Group carries out initiatives on Clouds and Distributed Computing Infrastructures
A system with the following distinguishing features: (i) it is a Web-based working environment; (ii) it is tailored to serve the needs of a...
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