AnQL is a system to deal with Annotated RDFS data, allowing to reason with time, provenace, trust, fuzzyness and many more.
The CoPhIR (Content-based Photo Image Retrieval) Test-Collection has been developed to make significant tests on the scalability of the...
D-NET is the outcome of research activities inspired by "GRID resource discovery and sharing" principles and applied to service oriented...
DanteSources è un tool che fornisce informazioni sulle fonti primarie dei testi danteschi. Consente, infatti, di visualizzare sotto forma di grafici e...
DORoTy is a DLMS whose novelty is to provide Digital Library Systems designers and developers with tools inspired by the traditional typed approach of Database...
Demo of a large scale image search engine. It is possible to search by similarity 106 millions images. The index used to build the search engine is the MI-File.
fuzzyDL is a Description Logic Reasoner supporting Fuzzy Logic and fuzzy Rough Set reasoning. The fuzzyDL system includes a reasoner for...
Under Construction
Linking literature to data in a meaningful way is a key requirement in life science and biomedical research. The data and literature deluge makes it difficult...
The MI-File (Metric Inverted File) allows executing similarity searches on very large datasets. Detalis on the techhinqe can be found in "MI-File:...
The Narrative Building and Visualising Tool (NBVT) is a semi-automatic tool to construct and visualise narratives, intended as semantic networks of events...
OAIzer is a tool for exporting relational database content as RDF ORE aggregations or OAI-PMH records. The tool allows users to graphically identify the...
OpenDLib is a software toolkit that can be used to create a digital library easily, according to the requirements of a given user community, by instantiating...
Curating the records of an authority file is an activity as important as committing for many organizations, which have to rely on experts equipped with so-...
Scholarly research involves a systematic study of information sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. It encompasses survey, analysis,...
SentiWordNet is a lexical resource for opinion mining. SentiWordNet assigns to each synset of WordNet three sentiment scores: positivity, negativity,...
Social-ISTI is a web-based working environment supporting the activities of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), an...
SoftFacts is an ontology mediated database system. An ontology layer may be used to define (in terms of a DLR-Lite like description logic, an...
Tagging is a common Web 2.0 practice which allows users to collaboratively classify or evaluate the objects of an Information Space with the aim of improving...
VCS (acronym of Verbatim Coding System) is a highly innovative software system for monitoring customer satisfaction in large enterprises.
This is the mobile application realized by the VISITO Tuscany project. Just take a picture of a monument in Florence, Pisa, and San Gimignano, and you will...