7th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries
Papers, not exceeding 12 pages, should be submitted electronically as a PDF attachment to
ircdl@isti.cnr.it. For the submissions the authors have to refer to Authors Instructions of the
Springer-Verlag LNCS Proceedings.
Accepted papers in PDF will be published in on-line proceedings (max 12 pages) at the time
of the conference and presented at the conference.
After the presentation at the conference some selected authors will be invited to submit a
revised version of the paper for a possible inclusion in the volume of post-proceedings. The
revised version of each paper needs to take into account the suggestions and the comments
received during the discussion at the conference; the revised versions are going to be
reviewed by at least two reviewers.
The post-proceedings volume will contain the revised accepted papers.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: December 17, 2010
- Acceptance Notification: January 14, 2011
- Conference: January 20-21, 2011
- Revised Version Submission: March 25, 2011
- Post-proceedings Publication: by July 2011